Lobster Hatchery Technology

The most advanced lobster hatchery equipment

We may be square but we know about lobsters! With 20 years experience in equipment design and hatchery building we are passionate about bringing forward the third-generation of lobster hatchery and on-growing equipment.!

A Project aimed to restore Native Oysters in Orkney at Bay of Firth

Northbay Innovations Ltd –has been awarded a grant from the Nature Restoration Fund (administered by NatureScot) to begin work to restore Native oysters to the Bay of Firth area

Development Phase – October 2024 – March 2025

  • This is the first – development – phase of the project which will assess the suitability and feasibility of restoring the Native Oyster beds which were a major feature of the Bay of Firth area for centuries up until they were finally fished out between the wars in the 20th Signs of the fishing effort and shipping of oysters for export can still be seen on the shores and on the 2 islands, where many in the local population where involved in the fishery for decades.
  • A major part of the work will be to garner interest in the project from the wider community in Orkney and especially in the Bay of Firth area and it is hoped to set up a Local Native Oyster Restoration Group (LNORG) of stakeholders and interested parties such as: Representatives of National and Local environmental agencies; Local government including OIC and community councils; Local fishery groups; Academia;  Local interest groups such as Sea Search (Sub-aqua): Local Nature groups and interested members of the public. NBIV would initially take the lead on this but it is envisaged that the group would eventually take on the leadership role in the next –build-out-
  • The work will be coordinated with other such Native Oyster Restoration projects in Scotland, UK and Europe through the Native Oyster Restoration Alliance (NORA). This organisation is a forum allowing for invaluable sharing of expertise and data across a wide range of projects.

Contact (in Orkney) – Dennis Gowland (consultant) Northbay Innovations Ltd .Email dennis@northbayinnovations.co.uk . mob 07739392965

New technology for hatcheries and ongrowing systems

Northbay Innovations are the pioneers in lobster hatchery technology and have significantly moved from tray systems.  The first leap forward was the Aquahive in 2007 and now in our quest to design the optimum system for the market, we have developed the third-generation Lobster Cube. having studied both the engineering and biology aspects in-depth, and through the use of innovative new tools such as CAD fluidic modelling and 3D printed prototypes, we believe we have perfected a state of the art system.  We are extremely proud to now be able to offer this new technology to the industry.

Northbay is here to answer your queries

With over 56 years of combined knowledge in all aspects of lobster hatchery technology and the support of wild stocks of Homarus gammarus.