Lobster hen holding unit and larval collection

Lobster maternity ward

Probably one of the most important and key parts to a successful hatchery is its access to and the way it looks after the hen lobsters. Although lobsters will release eggs between 12°C and 22°C the optimum temperature within a hen release system should be maintained between 16°C to 18°C around the temperature range which allows a gentle release of lobster larvae without stress. The hens will incubate the eggs for up to 9 months from autumn to late spring. She will regulate oxygen levels and gently fan the eggs to ensure an even movement of oxygen-rich water. The lobster eggs cannot survive if removed from the female lobster and she plays an active part in their release mechanism.

The juvenile lobsters emerge at night and will rise to the surface of the holding chamber. The system is designed to catch the newly hatched larvae and to move them within the water column into a collecting system. 

Our system is designed to operate with as little stress as possible to enable higher survival throughout the system.

American lobster (Homarus americanus) With eggs…

Working to provide the perfect solution

In the wild, the female lobster would find a dark secluded location where she’d stay several weeks before releasing the eggs. In the hen holding system, we try to simulate a dark space which is why we use black as the chamber colour and we try to prevent the lobster from being disturbed by movement from above. In the hen holding/larval hatching system we expect the hen to be resident for about 14 days and she will release over 3 to 4 nights when ready.

The hen doesn’t require feeding during this time but disturbance should be kept to a minimum as constantly disturbing the hen can cause her to drop eggs, which then become unviable.

When choosing berried hens to go in the holding/release system it is important to make sure that only hens with eggs estimated to be within 14-21 days to hatch are included. Lobsters with eggs in earlier development phases (which start out as a very small black mass) could be brought into a Lobster Holding System and conditioned to be ready to enter the holding/release unit.

Red Lobster

Sub-Arctic European lobster (Homarus gammarus) from Tysfjord Northern Norway.

The Hen holding and larval collection system

Northbay design systems to suit your needs and your hatchery. Northbay’s solution is to build a standard 24 hen holding unit with two larval collection hoppers. The unit comes with our own filtration system which is a recirculating biofilter incorporating particle and protein filtration as well as its own heating and cooling system to optimize water temperature and quality.

Please contact is if you require a quote for a smaller or larger hen unit for your system.

We also have a track record of personally designing hatcheries in the UK, Norway, Canada, France, Norway. Ireland, Sweden and the Caribbean.


Hen holding unit

Lobster broodstock holding units and larval collection are available in 16, 24, and 32 hen units.